AI-Powered Tools for Construction Bidding
Whether you're sending bid invites or receiving them—Downtobid streamlines your bidding process with tools that deliver better results.
Find and Invite Reliable Contractors
Connect with verified contractors anywhere you bid. Create and distribute bid packages in minutes.
Trusted alternative to
Outdated Tools Cost General Contractors Time and Projects
Other platforms leave your team chasing bids and bogged down with administrative tasks. Downtobid solves these problems with faster responses, better trade coverage, and intuitive tools that streamline preconstruction for you and your trade partners.
Subcontractors You Can Count On 57,000+ active profiles
Say goodbye to unverified data and mass-blasted invites. Downtobid connects you with pre-vetted subcontractors who actually respond—helping you target the right trades faster and with confidence.
ITBs That Build Relationships 2x faster response rates
Stop sending ITBs that get ignored or buried in spam—Downtobid's personalized invites, automated follow-ups, and contractor-friendly planroom make it easy to engage and build better connections
Coverage Anywhere You Bid 95% trade coverage
Expanding into new markets shouldn't mean stressing over gaps. We ensure comprehensive trade coverage, helping you grow without compromises.
AI-Driven Planroom for Every Project
Our planroom automatically sheets and categorizes by scope, ensuring trade contractors can quickly find what they need.
Simplifying Bidding for Trade Contractors
Managing bids shouldn't mean chasing emails and missing deadlines. Downtobid's Bid Board automates data entry so you can focus on winning the jobs that matter.
Organize Your Bids in One Place
Stop juggling emails, spreadsheets, and platforms. Downtobid automatically captures all bid invites, consolidating them into a single, easy-to-use dashboard.
Respond Faster, Win More
Get real-time reminders for deadlines, track your responses, and stay ahead of the competition.
How It Works
From finding contractors to managing responses, everything you need in one place.
Find Verified Contractors
Access vetted trade partners in seconds
Send Smart ITBs
Create and distribute bid packages instantly
Track Coverage
Monitor responses in real-time
Capture All Invites
One dashboard for all bid opportunities
Manage Deadlines
Never miss a bid deadline again
Track Performance
Improve your win rate with insights
Success Stories
See how leading contractors are transforming their businesses with Downtobid.
George H. Pastor & Sons achieves 2x subcontractor responses with Downtobid's ITB Tool
Learn how G.H Pastor secured consistent coverage, sped up subcontractor responses, and cut back on admin work—all by using Downtobid's ITB Tool in one unified platform.