Our Story

Dear Builders,

We started Downtobid (formerly BasisBoard) in 2020 with a simple idea: trade contractors shouldn’t waste time sorting through irrelevant, spammy bid invites. What began as a tool to streamline bid management quickly revealed a larger issue—the entire preconstruction process needed a reset.

Over time, the focus of bidding has shifted. What used to be about relationships and collaboration has become transactional, impersonal, and inefficient. This isn’t just a tech problem; it’s a human one.

We built Downtobid to bring trust and connection back to the bidding process.

The first thing we tackled was the outdated trade contractor databases. Mismatched trades, missing contact details, and unreliable information had become the norm. We created a verified network so GCs connect with the right partners and trade contractors can trust the invites they receive.

Next, we rethought ITBs. Generic emails and vague project scopes make it impossible for trade contractors to know what’s relevant. We redesigned ITBs to make them actionable and precise, ensuring trade contractors can quickly identify opportunities without wasting time.

For GCs, chasing responses has always been frustrating. Clicking "yes/no/maybe" isn’t enough. That’s why we built tools to track engagement directly, sync with calendars, and simplify follow-ups—all in one place.

At its core, bidding is about more than just sending invites or tracking responses. It’s about trust, relationships, and building a better way to work together. We’re excited to share this journey with you and grateful for the opportunity to make the process easier—and more human.

Here’s to building better, Founders, Downtobid