Track bids without any data entry

Built for subcontractors and material vendors to track all bids in one collaborative workspace—with no manual data entry.

From small mom & pops, to billion dollar businesses, estimating teams of all sizes use Bid Board by Downtobid to power their bidding process.

Still tracking bid invites with a spreadsheet?

GCs bombarding you with bid invites from iSQFT, BuildingConnected, Procore, and more? Our bid board connects to your inbox, recognizes bid invite emails, and pulls the data into a dashboard instantly (deadlines, bidders, addenda) with zero data entry.

Discover what our customers genuinely say about us

“I was getting forwarded the same email 5-6 times a day. That happened every time there was an update or a bid date change or an addendum. Bid Board takes all 5 of those emails, organizes it as the same exact email and puts it in a nice place for you.”

Jake Whittle, Owner of Niehaus

+3additional bids submitted per week

“Katie, who manages our bid board, would spend 10-15 hours a week on this process, where you'd have to get everyone to forward you bid invites and then input it into a spreadsheet. When we went with Bid Board, it pretty much eliminated this.”

Dan Wies, VP of Wies Drywall

+2additional bids submitted per week

“My biggest pet peeve is the repetitive bid invites that we get. Rather than have to sift through 10 invites for the same exact project it now shows up as one on Bid Board.”

Sal Madrigal, VP of MGM Drywall

+3additional bids submitted per week

Spend less time managing, more time winning

Downtobid helps you keep bids, addenda, and updates all in one place—organized and easy to track. No more switching between tools or losing details.

Qualified, organized

See only jobs that actually matter, instead of declining 90% of the work.

All your data in one place

Prevent multiple estimators working on the same job by putting all of your bid invites in one centralized system.

Stay up to date

Never miss a bid with a board that updates every deadline automatically.

Keep communication clear and connected

Link every message, follow-up, or clarification to the right job. Downtobid makes it easy for your team to stay on the same page without hunting for information.

Analyze your estimating trends

Bid Board generates out-of-the-box graphs and reports so you can see exactly who your best customers are instantly. No complex Excel formulas, No broken calculations. No hours preparing data in a spreadsheet.

Ready to supercharge your projects?